29 Nov 2014

Take a Stitch Tuesday #140 Threaded Cable Chain

This is stich no. 140 of Sharon's Tast stitches.
It is the last stitch for this year 2014.
She might go on in 2015 - if people are interested

I made four rows with different threads - 
Among them a very thick fil a broder (Metz no. 3) -
then perle 8 and 5 and a metallic thread to pull through - 
but its not my favorite - the thread is stiff and not easy to handle.


  1. It is a stitch that needs care; I kept my thumb on the loops I had already made so the thread would not loose its tension.
    My favourite is the one made with knitting yarn.

  2. lots of variety here, like you I do not like metallics

  3. thank you for this picture anneliese, I have had trouble working out the threading sequence and your work has solved it for me. Love the green and red one it has a nice texture.
