1 Feb 2015

Nice order

Large scraps of given fabrics - I have no idea who was the

generous sponsor! Photos taken in the evening.

They fit one into the other. The square bottom of the larger one is 8"

the smaller one measures 7".
I found the little tutorial here- it is so simple and fast to sew.
and it is fun because it is fast - They are now on a small shelf
in my room together with some souvenirs ...

Upper left - a knitted fish of DD when she was about 9 (?)
two photos - DH and we, the grandparents, with DD's baby-girl born
10 years ago, still below a funny photo of DD at the age of about 5.
Then me and to the right a photo of a little quilt "My cow is nicer"
(o-tone of Grandson #2, then about 6) -
the cow has got 6 legs, ha! Above a small quilt
of my beginnings. And the storage bags filled with stuff.
Bye bye - until next time!







  1. You have a corner full of treasures, two of them new - the lovely storage bags.

  2. Cute bags. Off to check out the tute. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like these fabric baskets. Every time I see one, I want to make one too. May be when they make days 48 hours long, LOL!

  4. this post did not come up on blogger so i almost missed it. love those little baskets and also seeing your little corner of memories.

  5. Hope you are well Anneliese, lovely baskets, are they easy to make?!

  6. Good work on the fabric bins and I love your memory vignette. It is lovely to have the little momentos of the grandchildren

  7. Hübsche Sachen hast Du gemacht, die "Körbe" sind ganz reizend. Was Du immer fuer Ideen hast, toll!

  8. I did not find a link to the tutorial for the fabric boxes. Do you still have the link?

    1. I could find the link:
      I hope this helps - and please find also my mail, Dolores.
