12 Nov 2014

Barb Stitch 138 and Beaded Barb stitch 139

This is my stitch cloth where I added the two new stitches

in yellow

Stitch cloth -a stitch sketch

Sharon will stop teaching stitches after the 140th stitch

After New Year she might go on if there is enough interest

Below is my stitch band with the new stitches 138 and 139


I left the lower row unfinished - to see how it is constructed.
Take a look at Sharons page of Pintangle click


I varnished a leaf - look at the sheen

I am going to make holes into it - not knowing yet where and

whether I succeed without destroying the dry leaf


Crazy thing

with a few quilt lines

- inspired by a visit in a Swiss village in the mountains


chalet-quilting - Chalet is the name for a Swiss holiday cottage.

can you see the slanted little cottages - infact in Switzerland ...

...everything is beautifully built and proper and clean - nothing wonky.











  1. so much beautiful work in cloth and thread here Anneliese

  2. you have kept up to date with the tast stitches,very nice. Another good scraps piece inspired by your Swiss visit Anneliese.

  3. you are producing some beautiful things. the leaves are shiny but are they soft. can't wait to see how the stitching goes.

  4. It will be sad if tast finishes, it will seem like the end of an era. But we still have access to sharons dictionary.
    I am liking your swiss quilt very much, the colours and shapes and stitching are very creative and interesting. I particularly like tose red tones.

  5. I hope Sharon goes on teaching us TAST stitches in 2015. That December is a TAST free month is good - there are so many other things to do.
    Your sampler is looking great! The leaf is indeed shiny, and the chalets are charming.
