30 Oct 2014

Take a Stitch Tuesday 136 and 137 Knotted buttonhole band and Beaded Knotted buttonhole band

I had time....

to make the new stitches - first row is knotted button band

with perle 5 and on top a thick knitting yarn.

The light blue row is a shame - too long legs so it is looking wonky

with the beads - I used perle 8 which is too thin to my taste

- it is not effective.

The third row is made with perle 5 again and with short "legs" and the

beads are sitting in the right place.



  1. i'm working on a crazy patchwork piece right now and you've inspired me to add some beads to my stitching.

  2. Three beautiful examples of the new TAST stitches. Oh, I envy you your neat knots. Wait until you see mine!!!

  3. you are good keeping up Anneliese with this challenge, the beads work so well, must be large holes to use perle 5, I have very litte 5`s mostly 8 and 12 and now adding 16`s to my collection
