29 Sept 2014

A Sunday in September

Contraflow --- here we are living - with those lovely animals

They provide us with milk.

And this is a vide-grenier - a kind of a village sale where

private sale's people are coming from the nearer region to sell

their attic contents - I am asking myself: Will they ever sell everything?

No, never. But we found something...

no, of course I did not buy any shoes - see the creek below!

But this - mirrors, a necklace which I will take apart - forks and

a server for cakes.



  1. good finds you have had at the sale, so many shoes surely they did not belong to just one person, I do not that I jave had that many all my life

  2. Good finds. I love the mirror frame. Funny how we buy things theses days just to pull apart LOL

  3. Well done, I love the wooden mirror!
    I think sales like these are everywhere, very often just a social occasion :-), if they sell anything, it is just a bonus, LOL!

  4. Ah now we call those car boot sales here in UK, and everyone turfs out an assortment of unwanted belongings and clothes and then folks like me, barter to buy !
    All good fun lol

  5. Lovely mirror. The cows obviously brought you luck!

  6. Nice mirrors, Anneliese, and the forks and cake servers will come in very handy for you. I am disappointed.....not buy shoes?
    We call these outdoor sales.....markets....and there are often good bargains to be had.

  7. I think the idea of a flea market/car book sale/outdoor market is that we can sell things we no longer need, like the toys our children have no interest in any more, but other children will love to play with.
    It is not only the necklace that can be taken apart, but the cutlery can be made into jewellery, too. I have seen silver spoon pendants in Sweden.

  8. i used to love going to flea markets. i do stop into the thrift shops every once in awhile but i already have more than i need. i've always loved cows.
