To occupy my fingers in the evenings in front of TV I am knitting a blanket again. I am making separate blocks and will sew them together when I have enough and when I see how far my wool is running.
I have four different colours - they were sold together and ment for socks. I like all the colours. Knitting the center does not need much wool and so the different colours can't be seen well and create a totally different design. I started with the small purple square then added the striped light green one and I will go on like this not doing light and dark, just as I like it - I take care not to let meet the uni colours. Five colours would have been better. But I am "stranded" in the renovation house .....
where the entrance is looking like this.
Those wools are lovely colours. As soon as I saw your gate I wanted to embroider that pattern along the bottom of something!
ReplyDeleteAlthough you say you are stranded, I am sure you are enjoying every minute and can not be still. An active, creative person like you need to work on something and this blanket is going to be just beautiful. I love the colours!
ReplyDeletewhat a very fancy gate post, lovely wrought iron.Your knitting is coming along well.
ReplyDeleteThe knitted piece is like the way I put my 'random' quilt together. The colours are lovely and it is sure to make up into a wonderful piece. I can see some fabulous designs in the gate!!
ReplyDeleteGreat choice of colours, love it! The blanket will look wonderful. Have much fun in your house :-)!
ReplyDeleteHello Anneliese, I love the interesting design of your knitting it is going to be a great blanket, and so warm. You have a lovely wrought iron decoration on your entrance. Very impressive.
ReplyDeleteIf I knitted, this is what I would knit - cozy beautiful blankets.