17 Jul 2012


While I was occupied with the new Tast stitch -
the up and down buttonhole stitch -
discovering a new cactus with twin prickles

with the name TASTONIA geminispina
because of its twin prickles ...

a cactus flower appeared in the cactus garden

she or he was weaving.

This picture was taken in the morning
when we left the house
for a few days. 
See the cat entrance in the grange door.


  1. Anneliese, I love your stitching!! Is it hand-dyed fabric?

  2. This embroidery is just wonderful Anneliese. Cactus flowers are always so bright and cheery, despite the nasty bush they grow on. Your 'created bloom' is lovely, and you really do have such a sense of fun!! Love the web photograph too...........I simply love webs with condensation on them.

  3. it's very nice. I love the flowers
