23 Dec 2012

Merry Christmas and happy New Year
to all my readers
and thank you for your so very much appreciated comments
I took the snowy picture from my header
it is looking too cold and it takes too long a time to get to the
essential subject matter of my blog
Moreover we will get 19°C over Christmas here in Germany
Cool Christmas tree -  warm little LED lights
And still something
Check out this blog
She is my (and DH's) wonderful talented daughter


  1. Thank you for sharing your DH's link with us, Annelise! You have a very clever daughter.
    We have floods here(again), crazy weather for Christmas, but we will do our best!

  2. Yes, a very talented daughter - she takes after her Mum!! Look forward to seeing more of her work. Have a great Christmas, my friend.

  3. Auch ich wünsche dir erholsame Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins nächste Jahr!
    Freue mich auf unsere gemeinsame Stckzeit!
    Was kann man schon sagen zu so einer Tochter? "Der Apfel fällt nicht weit von Stamm!" Die Schmuckstücke gefallen mir sehr, sehr, gut! Toll!
    Mit sonnigen Grüßen aus der südlichen Hemisphäre
